Client Work

MIGRATION 2023 - Illumination Studios Paris

Visual Development & Color Artist

Some Keylights for Jamaica Sequence

Art Director : Colin Stimpson

Background Paintings for Fantasy Sequence

Layouts by Ludo Gavillet / Art Director : Colin Stimpson

FREEFIRE Commercial - Eddy Animation Studio

Early Development & ColorConcepts

No Frills Commercial - Brunch Studio

Concept art and Color explorations


A Human Perspective 

Peep, a human Perspective is an experimental mockumentary project

made at Gobelins, l'Ecole de l'Image

Episode 1 : " Discovering John ''

Some research for Episode 2 : '' Alan the Thief '' 

Some research for Episode 3 : '' Date with Lucy ''

Some research for Episode 4 : " Chasing Brat "

First tests 2D character in real photograph backgrounds


Narration Exercise at Gobelins, L'Ecole de l'Image


Story Beats

Storyboard made as an exercise during the Narration module at Gobelins, L’Ecole de L’Image

Color Key for the Background Design

Background Design

Nature Embedded

Exhibition at National Gallery of Modern Art, Mumbai 2018

Visual development for the Underwater world

(An Interactive 3d installation)

Pubby Gaming Project

Art Direction and World Design

Forest Design for a Gesture based Game

‘Lamput Season 3’ Cartoon Network

Background Design and Color Keys